Day 5

I was so happy to get off of work early yesterday. I rarely work 8 hour days, preferring to do a 12 or 16 hour shift. However, I had so much work to do for my pub company that I viewed the short work day as a sweet gift.
And it was…
I rushed right home and got down to business. I uploaded all three titles to Barnes and Nobles (that took me three hours) I popped pain pills like candy and answered a few overdue emails. I tried to work on an outline for an upcoming novel, but I couldn’t focus… I cleaned up and did a couple loads of laundry instead.
Why did I do that…
I was officially ready to go to bed at 8 o’clock when I remembered that I hadn’t walked yet. Fuck walking was my first thought… lol (it was my second, and third thought as well.) I got up off the bed, threw on sweats, set Pandora on a jay z station, and hit the track.
My heart was definitely not in it…
This shit is for the birds, I thought, as I did my first lap. My love handles were burning, my mouth was hurting, and I wanted to go to sleep. (I think I was chanting that at one point). Biggie’s “Ten Crack Commandments,” aka my shit came through my headphones, and I started rapping like I was on tour. A string of hits from the late 90’s started playing and I was in Hip Hop heaven and wasn’t paying attention to my burning thighs. I did five laps roughly 2 miles and came home.
I was proud of myself but exhausted beyond belief. I showered and climbed in the bed with my robe on. I didn’t even make it under the covers.

I’m definitely walking early today so I can at least blog before bed!
Until next time

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